Katie went to the dr today and got a good report. The tube is out and her inscision is healing well. She still does not feel that great but she's improving!
My grandmother got to go home yesterday. It's my understanding that a home health nurse will come by 3x a week to assess her. My aunt is staying with her for the next couple of days.
Popa Joe is still not feeling well and he called the dr today. We'll see what happens with that in the next few days.
As for my family, we are all doing well. Billy is out on a job with my dad. Kailee is currently playing Little Dribblers basketball as well as trying soccer for the first time. Practice and games are keeping us very busy. Ty is signed up for soccer, too, but his coach has only contacted us to get money for uniforms (which was a rediculious amount for 5 yr olds) and did not know when they were going to practice. Me... I went back to school for my RN and have about decided that I really have no interest in doing this at this point in my life. I found out that I really shouldn't let my mom and grandmother bug me into doing something I knew I was not mentally prepared for. Sounds stupid to let someone else decide what's best, huh? I think I am perfectly happy being a plain old LVN. Who cares who is not happy with me being me? I know I sound like a sullen teenager, but right now I'm feeling that way! I miss my family and hate missing out on doing things with my kids. I think I'll wait till they are either older or in college tp pursue this futher. But who knows... I hate to disappoint. I might stick with it. I guess it just depends which feeling is stronger. Any suggestions?
Alocasia Plant Types
2 months ago
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