My friend Crystal Amthor had twin boys in December. She posted this:
Here are some questions that I am curious to know the answers from all of you. Consider it a "tag" to all of the moms that could answer my questions. If you have a blog, you can post it on your blog like a regular "tag" or answer in the comment section. If you don't have a blog, please feel free to answer in the comments. I know all babies are different, I'm just curious as to where my boys stand and milestones I have to look forward to.
I've put my answers below, but if you want to head over to Crystal's blog and answer for yourself, I know she'd appreciate it. Of course, most of our answers are going to be a little different because we all had just one baby. But every little bit of advice helps!
1) Breastfeed, Formula, or both? Kailee- breastmilk either natural or by bottle when Mom had her, Ty- breastmilk until 3 months but it was horrible! He was always throwing up and had diarreha until we found out he was allergic to many things.
2)If you used formula, what kind? Kailee- never, for Ty we had to use soy formula, although now I wish I hadn't. When Zoey was having all of her problems, Page researched the many different formulas and found out that soy formulas may be linked to problems concieving later in life. Call her and she could probably tell you about it.
3) long? Kailee- 22 months. Our pediatrician said that it was good for her as long as she was still eating and drinking cow's milk, too.
4) What kind of bottles did you use? Platex with drop-in liners
5) At what age did you introduce rice cereal? 3 months with both kids
6) Did you put it in the bottle or just feed it with a spoon? both. I joined a group that was available through the county. I relied heavily on Sherry who was a "child specialist". I could call anytime I had questions and she checked on Kailee's development milestones. It was AWESOME!
7) Did it help your child sleep through the night? yes for Kailee, but still does not sleep throuhg the night
8) How old was your child when he/she finally slept through the night? I was lucky. Kailee did from day one, but Ty still doesn't.
9) What was the times? from 12 to 8 for Kailee, Ty gets up around 4 or 5 for about 30 mins and then goes back to sleep
10) How old was your child when you could put her in a Bumbo? no bumbo around then, but the boppy worked just as well and it was 3 months for both
11) When did he first smile/laugh (not gas related)? at 2 months
12) Did your child have reflux? no
13) Did you have medicine for reflux? Did it help?
14) When did the reflux stop?
Thanks for your answers! I'm sure they will help all of the new mommies.I tag all the moms who read this blog.
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