Thursday, August 28, 2008

Six Flags Trip

As a end of summer trip, I decided to take my kids to Six Flags to see the Raven concert. My very good friend, Donna, her husband, David, and their daughter, Kendalyn (who happens to be Kailee's best friend) went with us. We all had a blast! I think the best part of the trip was getting to introduce my friends to my grandparents!
Getting on Tony Hawk's Big Spin

After the car came to a stop, Ty says,"Mommy, I wish I hadn't said I wanted to ride this ride!"

Raven Concert

We only stayed for the first couple of songs. It was mostly pre-recorded and when we could hear her, she was screaming for everyone to "Make sum noise!" After the 10th time of hearing that, the kids decided to go ride more rides. Thank goodness!

At the top of the Observation Tower. I stay close to the inside. I'm a chicken!

End of the day...FINALLY!

Monday, August 25, 2008

First day of school and a new baby, too!

Today was the first day of school and Ty's first day of Pre-K. He handled better than I did. I tried not to show him, but I cried a lot after we left. This is my last baby I had at home! My wondeful hubby took me to breakfast to try to cheer me up!. How sweet!

This his teacher Shannon Russell. I'm blessed to have friends that are my children's teachers!

Lane and Page also had their third baby girl today! Gigi (my cousin) kept Page's blog updated. Check it out at !

Impatiently waiting to see the baby!
Emma Claire Boyd was born at 2:27 pm. She weighed 7lbs. 15oz. I was told she is 21in long but I saw 20 1/2in on Gigi's blog. Didn't look at the hospital so I'll ask later. She has more hair than the girls did and it is redder, too. She is definitely BIG!

Inspecting Emma Claire!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tyler's Week

Tyler is my homebody. He wants to go, but when it gets dark, it's time to come home. Needless to say, he was very happy to get back to the house after going to Grandmoma's. My mom has been great with coming and getting him in the mornings so I can sleep after work. Anyways, Rachael, a college student from church, came to keep him at the house so he could stay home Thursday and Friday. He loved it! She took him to the park which is top on his list of things to do. He loved it so much that I have enlisted her to come two days next week before she leaves for school.

So, Ty gets left out of somethings because he is a wild child. I am told that he has a hard time staying out of things. Imagine that! A four yr old boy doing that! Anyways, Billy and I took Ty to the zoo today. He loves the zoo and can even tell you how to get there. His favorite is the alligator which he calls a crocodile. I really don't know why since you very rarely see him. He is usually under the water. Today was a one of those rare treats! Not only was he above the water, but he actually swam around. It made Ty's day! Here are the few pics I took before my camera died. (It was a last minute decision to go.) Enjoy!

Kailee's week

This summer has just flown by! I can't believe school is just one week away! Kailee and Tyler went with my mom to Grandmoma's for her b-day last weekend. Kailee ended up staying with my grandparents by herself for the very first time. She had a blast! Grandmoma took her to do girly stuff like getting a mani-pedi, getting her hair fixed, and shopping. Kailee loves to shop and I detest it. I would rather not have it if it's going to take hours to find an outfit. My mom and Katie take her to do the shopping thing. Anyways, Katie picked her up Tuesday. She said she would have stayed longer except she had to make a cake for Pop-Pop's (my popa) b-day on Weds. Needless to say, I cut my sleep very short that day to get up and help her. She also started Gorilla Cheer camp Weds. Below is a video of her doing a cheer. I was so proud that she kept rhythm with the leader. My child is definitely a white girl who's basic rhythm is just developing... some. YEA!

After she got finished with the pep rally, she promptly announced that she was going home with Mom. I haven't really seen her in a couple weeks now!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Here are a few pics of the kids that I took today while they tried to stay cool in our 104 heat and that's in the shade.

Playing crack the egg. Tyler has to use alternative methods to crack Kailee's egg.
He tries drowning by water hose.
Then threat of sword!

Kailee finally breaks when he stabs her!

Well the last few weeks have been busy! We have decided to try to sell our house. We are fixing the things that we have been putting off before placing the house on the market. Billy has rearranged the kitchen to add more cabinet space. Needless to say, it is a mess right now!

I am in the process of moving to a new job! I will be a pediatric home health nurse. 7 hour shifts, Sun-Thurs nights, more money! I will be home before the kids go to school, and will not have to leave until after they are asleep. YEA!!! Please pray that this will better fit our life than my current job. Billy and the kids are really excited! Tyler said, "Mommy, you won't have to tuck us over the phone anymore?" That one question and the look on his face decided it all!

Page took Madi to the dr because her nodes were so swollen, she could actually see them. The dr discovered that her liver and spleen were also enlarged. He order a blood workup, and I talk to Lane today and everything in OK. Madi has mono so will just have to wait it out. Poor baby! She doesn't really act like anything is wrong, but you know with this she just does not feel the greatest in the world.

My cousin Gigi and Micah had their baby girl on the 4th of August. Gigi was really put through the ringer, but baby and mommy are doing fine now. If they count the time from when her water broke, her offical labor will be 28 plus hours. Anyways, her name is Ava Odell Fry. You should jump over and take a look at how beautiful she is! Just follow the link The Fry's under my friend column.

Well, that about sums it up. I'll post again soon. At least within the next month!