Thursday, January 21, 2010


Still playing catch up....SLOOOWLYYY!

The kids wanted to try Tae Kwon Do. They entered the summer class and loved it for awhile. Kailee really enjoyed it but when soccer started, she just got too tired! Poor baby had Tae Kwon Do on Tuesdays and Thursday at 530-615, and soccer practice Tuesdays and Fridays at 630-730, games on Saturdays with Girl Scouts meeting on Mondays and other things scattered through out the week. I said TOO MUCH!!!

Also in July, I won the grandkid lottery! Look at my prize below! My grandparents put all eight grandkids name in a pot and drew out a name for a 1975 Delta 88 that my Popa has restored. Love it!!!
Ty and Mammaw

Kailee and Mammaw
The Greats and The Grands
(notice my Popa, he always looks like this is pics!)
And the best thing that happened in July...

Travis, my sister's boyfriend, was baptized!