Thursday, April 30, 2009

Surgery and more

This week has been a big week for Tyler. On Monday, he got to cut metal with the cutting torch for the first time. He would tell you, "Yeah! And I was in my good shirt, too!". He had had his picture taken at school earlier and I didn't stop to change his clothes before going to the ranch. He was so excited! I don't know who was more excited, him or Popa.

On Tuesday, Ty had his tonsils and adnoids removed. I forgot my camera so I have no "before" pictures, but we have two "after" pictures. I want to thank everyone who have been keeping us in your prayers, and thank my Mom, Popa, Granny, and our preacher Michael for coming. We are truely blessed to have family (blood-related and Christian) that care that much! In fact, Michael and Granny beat us there and we were even ten minutes early!

Ty wheeling himself out

Sleeping on the way home
Ty is doing well. He didn't slow down at all! He has slept more, but other than that, we are having a hard time keeping him inside. He still says his mouth is burning occasionally, but that should pass after today according to the dr. We'll see!
Have a blessed day!