Friday, February 6, 2009

Sorry! Katie update!

They took Katie down about 5:15 last night, and brought her back around 7:15 or 7:30. The swelling was already going down! She looked SO much better! Of course, it was very swollen where the drain was behind her ear, but her neck was better. The doc said that it looked like her parietal gland had gotten infected. He said it was very easy to find all of the infection. He cleaned it out, flushed it and inserted a penrose drain. Mom had gotten there right before noon that day so she and Travis, Katie's boyfriend, stayed at the hospital last night. I came home to get some sleep!

This morning Mom said Katie slept off and on which is more sleep than she has gotten in the past four days. Right now she is trying to eat a cinnamon roll. She still can not open her mouth. I'm going to visit with my hubby for a bit then head over there. Katie and I have a card game to play (old hospital tradition)!

Update later!