Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kailee's B-Ball Game

I know this is probably not interesting to anyone else, but I know a few grandparents who a waiting to see this video.

Kailee wanted to play basketball this year again, so this is one of her quarters where she makes a basket. For those of you who don't know, this a huge improvement for someone who has a hard doing anything with her hands while doing anything at all with her feet. My child takes after me in the rhythm department! Needless to say, she has had a hard time with the activities like cheerleading and dance that she has wanted to try, BUT she does not get discourage and give up! She just keeps on trucking and has the ability to laugh when she gets backwards which is quite often. I admire my daughter in so many ways other than just a mother/daughter way! Enjoy!

WARNING! In the future, there will be more sports videos. Kailee and Ty are both playing soccer!