Thursday, December 30, 2010

Katie and Travis Video

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

December 2009

Tyler "sang" in the school Christmas play. I say "sang" because... you see the little girl next to him? Her name is Emily Boyd and as Ty sat there, not singing, until she would reach over and pop him and say SING! She definitely rules the roost in that class with those boys! We celebrated Kailee's and Tyler's birthday with their friends at school. Donna made them both cupcake cakes. Kailee's was, of course, a horse on a field of green.
Ty's was John Deere themed

We attempted to make a gingerbread house! FUN! FUN! FUN!

Ty hunting "wabbits"

Ty helped remodel his bathroom

Ty's birthday on his birthday


Snow Angels

Kailee's Angel


Kailee's birthday on her birthday

Funny thing about "Bubba" the Snowman... about 30 mins after going inside, we noticed that Daisy kept getting very close to Bubba and then would run away. Of course, curiosity got the best of us and we had to go look at what she was doing. This is what we found:
Apparently, Daisy really loves suckers and licorice!
She thought she was going to be in trouble! Funny how they know what they are not suppose to be doing!
Dozyr, of course, had to come over and show me that he was not the one who ate Bubba's face.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

WARNING: October and November pic post

WARNING: Lots of pics below! Oct and Nov were 2 fully packed months!

Pumpkin carving

This is what Ty did after he got tired of cleaning! He watched TV while Daddy carved for him!

Kailee drew out her design herself!

Walk like an Egyptian!

Downtown Treats!

Soccer... Go Wolves!

Kailee played goalie and defender. She took a few hard hits and still kept coming back for more. She's one tough kid!

Veterans Day

Kailee wrote the veterans she knew on her star. Look on the bottom of this page to watch her sing the National Anthem.

A friend gave me a Friendship bread starter. We make it for several weeks until I ran out of people to give it too. I finally quit when I had FOUR cakes to make and since I don't normally cook.... well you can imagine!

Ty LOVES chicken noodle soup so we have many cans on hand at all times. This is how he likes to finish... with his straw!

The Pre-K and Kinder classes had a Thanksgiving feast together. The girls were pilgrims and the boys were indians. Here's Ty giving his best "Indian" yell.

Mrs. Lummus and Tyler

Putting up the tree the weekend after Thanksgiving

Fluffing branches!

It's become a tradition for the kids to put on the star every year so instead of taking turns, we just put it onb twice!!! Soon they will be too big for Billy to lift! :(

VETREN'S DAY Celebration 11-11-10